Monday, May 13, 2013

God Can. I can't.

As I was walking through the village I hear "BREEEE" "Mama BREEEE"... I couldn't see any little bodies, just houses and trees... Again I here "Mama BREEEEE", all the sudden the palm try a couple feet away started to giggle... 

My balloon babies.

As they all were clinging onto every inch of me we walked to the closet mango tree and we sat in the dirt and ate mangos... I just sat there and cried and ate my mango with these precious children...  My babies are dirty, their clothes are in rags, and their little feet have worms in them, and they are hungry. 

The tiniest ballon baby, Nixon has white hair, that is a sign of melnutrution...  He is 3, but he is a tiny little guy. His little bones stick out with his belly weighing more than him.  He is snuggled up right under my neck. I can feel him breathing on me and with every breath another tear falls.  I just needed to help him, but when I opened my eyes I realized its not just Nixon, its ALL the balloon babies. Its every girl trapped in a brothel right now, its every hungry child I pass by everyday. The need is everywhere.

My balloon babies, just sat with me and wiped away my tears. 

I don't have the answer. I can't feed everyone in Kenya. I can't run into every brothel and rescue the hundreds of baby girls. I can't do it all. I can't help every need. I can't.. 

God can. 

I didn't want to be super spiritual at that moment. I was mad at God. How, how can this be life for millions of people all over the world? It hurts my heart to know that every night when I lay my head down, right down the street a child goes to bed hungry every single night... 

God CAN. 

It's not my own strength.  It will never  will be my own strength. It will never be my job to feed everyone back to health. 

God can.

My job is to love God. My job is to stop for one, and feed them. My job is to stop for my balloon babies and feed them. My job is to stop when God says stop. 

God can.

I may never be able to feed thousands and thousands of kids, and thats okay, because God can.  

For now, I will feed Nixon and my balloon babies. I will start where God says start, and thats perfectly okay. 

God CAN and he WILL.  

He loves Nixon, and my balloon babies, and US more than I could ever know. I may never know the answer to end world hunger, but God sure does. And I know that his words never fail. 


 Please pray with me for my babies. That their tummies would be full. That their families would continue to welcome me in with love..  That I could continue to feed them and love them, and that their families would walk into the Kingdom with us! 


1 comment:

  1. Breanne you be faithful (as you are doing) God will be succseful (as He always has).

    Love you sweet lady! You amaze me.......
