Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Shoe the Shoeless

Shoes make a big difference for those who are shoeless. Children with shoes are more healthy and are able to attend school. That's right friends, children who do not have shoes can not attend school. With the babies that have captured my heart our time is mostly spent digging worms out their shoeless feet. They walk miles all day everyday in the mud, trash, and dirt with shoeless feet.

YOU have the opportunity to sow into the kingdom and partner with me to provide shoes for children. YOU can share the love of Christ and help guard children's feet from injury, infection, and even place some of them back in school!

I will be buying all the shoes locally in the village, and the shoes on average cost $1.80 dollars! 

ALL donations are tax-deductible and 100% goes to buying shoes! 

*** Option 1 - Mail Donation: 1. Make check payable to Lake Pointe Church 2. Write "133-22500 KENYA SHOES" in the memo field 3. Mail to: 1104 Ranch Raod, Suite 111, Forney TX 75126 

**** Option 2 - Online Donation: 1. Go to: give.lakepointe.org 2. Select "Other" / "Other Gifts*" & input amount 3. Type "133-22500 KENYA SHOES" in "Gift Special Instructions" under "payment total" 

 These are the shoes that YOU will be buying!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Can’t Be Bought – Boundaries

In an environment where boundaries have been labeled non-existent our prayer this week was to teach the girls healthy boundaries. But for the moment we opened our months, our girls were so lost… We asked if anyone knew what a boundary was, and we heard the crickets in America it was so silent. We were able to get hula-hoops and it was a fun way to teach the girls personal space visually by having the hula-hoop as the “boundary”. We wanted to reinforce their value through the understanding that the uncomfortable feelings experienced when someone crosses their “hula-hoop” boundary are normal, and that it’s okay to feel.

We rolled out the life-size body cut out and got to show the girls, “red”, “green”, and “yellow” zones that were in their “hula-hoop”! That’s when we dived into feelings. And that’s when we really lost the girls… They could not wrap little minds around the fact that A) it’s not their fault when someone crosses their “hula-hoop”, and B) that it’s okay to feel unsafe when someone crosses your “hula-hoop”.

Again, most of the girls had never heard that they have boundaries much less that they have a right to feel uncomfortable or have a right to act on these feelings in order to protect their bodies and their hearts. So, telling them that what they have learned their whole life was wrong and they do have “RED” zones that are not okay for anyone to touch, rocked their worlds.

It sounds so simple to us, that we have boundaries, and we have NO GO zones… But, it’s not simple here. The girls think everything on their bodies is green, that they don’t have a right to say no.

We are going to do this lesson again next week with a tiny little twist in it. Our girls this week just didn't get. They don’t understand that they have a right to say no… They don’t understand that it is not normal to sell your body. They don’t understand that they have a right to protect their little hearts.

The injustice here, it breaks my heart, and I know that Daddy God is up there weeping with me. Jesus, let kingdom come here on EARTH as it is in heaven. I can’t wait to walk the pearly streets with my precious girls, with pure hearts, clean hands, and hula-hoops to play games with not to teach with.  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Man In White

I sat in the dirt with a pregnant women sobbing in my arms telling me the story of how she got pregnant. This pregnancy was not planned and the father is one of her clients. I sat there holding her as her tears stained my skirt. She is 7 months, and in-between her trying to catch her breath she is telling me that she can’t afford to feed another mouth, and she has tried to end the pregnancy 4 times now, but the baby is just too strong, it won’t die she said.  She then looks up to me with blank eyes and a heavy heart and is begging me to take her baby.  I feel her arms wrap a little tighter around my body and she is clinging on to me for dear life.

My sweet friend just kept looking up at me and repeating please take this baby, you will love it, you can feed it, you can give it life, I can’t. I sat there, and the only words that could come out of my mouth were JESUS, JESUS, JESUS…  I couldn't do anything but hold her and cry.

What in the world do I say to this fragile woman? How do I love her in this moment? I felt like I needed to do so much more than just say, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I can’t take the baby. I can’t take her pain away. I can’t magically make money appear.

I was at a loss for words. With all the strength I had in me, I made her stand up. We stood there and cried out to Jesus together. We lifted our hands and just began to worship through our tears. I knew in that moment that I had no advice to give, I couldn't find the words to make anything better, and I couldn't promise her an easy button for this baby. All I knew was that precious baby inside her was a fighter. They have now made it through 4 attempts of abortion, and God must have a mighty plan for that little one!

I would like to tell you that as we worshiped, Jesus touched her heart and healed all the wounds, and gave her the easy button. I would like to tell you that she wants to keep her baby. I would like to tell you that every time I see her she doesn't beg me to take her baby. But I can’t. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

I can tell you, that a man dressed in white comes to her in her dreams and he tells her she can do it, she can be a good mamma. I can tell you that every time I see her, even with the begging of me taking her baby, there is always a little more hesitation in her voice. I can tell you that every time I visit my friend there is always a little more hope in her eyes.

With my mustard seed of faith, I am declaring life over that precious baby. I am pressing in for this mamma to believe in herself, to see the strength inside her and rise up for all her babies. I truly believe that she is going to understand soon that the man in white in her dreams is the truth, the way. That he loves her past her sins, past her shame, and wants to take care of her.

Will you stand in the gap for this mamma and all the other mamma's around the world fighting fears and lies? Will you stand in the gap with me and declare life over these babies? Will you stand up for justice, around the world? Will you stand up and cry out to Jesus with me for the man in white to become SO real to her? 

Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Can't Be Bought - If I'm valuable, then your valuable!

In this culture there is little value placed on people and it is a foreign thing to believe that you are truly valuable! That is why are first 4 lessons are are all on value and helping these precious little girls find their worth! My little girl’s bodies are sold as objects, and often the other girls in the community are the ones selling them.  This past week we taught the concept of value and respect, not only for themselves, but for the people around them! Our hope this week was that our girl would walk away saying "if I am too valuable to be sold, then the girl down the street is also way too valuable to be sold."

The girls had a really hard time this week understanding why we couldn’t sell each other. So I had to go back to because you are SO valuable and GOD made you for a purpose and he doesn’t want you to be sold, and that means he really doesn’t want you sell your friend. I said that at least 50 times each class. We declared it. Screamed it. Whispered it. Danced as we declared it. We did it all! I made sure that by the end of class when I asked what it means to have value that I had tons of little hands shoot up in the air to answer! We might have to do this every week, and come back to value, and that is okay! If that is the only thing they walk away with every class, I am one happy missionary!

With our hope of this class being "if I am too valuable to be sold, then the girl down the street is also way too valuable to be sold”, then we are going to value and respect each other! Sooo, we taught them a little respect song! It was heavy day that ended with laughter and dancing!! 

It makes giggle, and my heart filled with so much love to imagine over 1,000 girls walking around the village singing respect. God wins again! :)  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Can't Be Bought Song

I am not for sale 
I can not be bought 
I'm powerful
I'm valuable 
My body's mine I'm FREE 

I am royalty 
I have destiny 
I 'll change history
Were gonna gonna change the world!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Can't Be Bought - I am Priceless

My stomach was in knots as I went into Lesson 2 – “I am Priceless”… The idea of me telling my girls that no amount in the whole world is enough for someone to buy them didn't scare me. The idea that these babies girls truly don’t know that they don’t have a price tag on them is the part that terrified me. For most of my girls it was the first time they had someone say hey, you  don’t have a price tag on you, because you are NOT FOR SALE! I was scared, I was feeling inadequate to even look at them in the eyes and declare the truth that so needed to be said. I felt the weight of Gods heart on this lesson, and the love that he has for every single one of those little girls….

In the middle of the lesson we played a little game of The Price is Right! We had a few items up for sale and basically had an auction with lots of fake money in our pockets…  Towards the end of the auction I had “sold” all of my items and realized that I didn't have anything left to sell… So I ended up putting Kim, my team mate, up for sale. Without skipping a beat the girls started to shout out money, and to my surprise they started out really low, we got up to about $2.00 USD.. . AND then we dressed Kim up, we added jewelry, lip gloss, and a fancy new shirt, and again without skipping a beat the girls were screaming prices at us. Now that Kim looked “smart” as the girls say, the price kept going up, and up, and up. A couple of the girls even asked, if I pay money what can she do for me? The class ended up stopping at about $100 USD, and 1 of the classes even told us that because she couldn't “do” much, whatever that meant, that she wasn't worth more than $100…

Ah. I just went home and cried, and cried. The girls loved the game, and didn't blink an eye when I went to sell Kim. They knew exactly how much a women was worth, and knew that when we “dressed” her up how much she was worth then. The saddest part for me was when Kim and I got to tell them, that actually you can’t buy Kim, because no person in the whole world had enough money to buy her…  That actually no one can buy YOU, their little faces were so confused and just looked so blank. It was one of the moments where my heart hit the floor and the weight of their lies they have heard their whole life were there to just stomp on my heart. That was the moment that I was afraid of.

We made all the girls stand up and search their bodies for price tags…. I could slowly see their little eyes light up when they got it, and we could hear the AH’s I can’t find my price tag slowly start to pop up. They got it. Kim and I then got to explain to them that as long as their heart is beating and their lungs are filled with air, that they will never have a price tag! We got to scream, I AM PRICELESS at the top of our lungs together, and just laugh as I watched them “secretly” searching for their price tags again to make sure I was telling them the truth!

My girls walked out of that classroom knowing that they don’t have a price tag, that they are far too valuable for any amount to ever be put on them. My prayer is that they never face being bought… But when reality sets in, and the times comes when a person does place an amount on them, I hope that they can search their little bodies for that price tag, and find the strength to walk away.

I challenge you to pray for these girls this week. When you see a price tag, just pray that truth would linger over their lives always, and that they will walk away when someone puts a price on them.