Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Man In White

I sat in the dirt with a pregnant women sobbing in my arms telling me the story of how she got pregnant. This pregnancy was not planned and the father is one of her clients. I sat there holding her as her tears stained my skirt. She is 7 months, and in-between her trying to catch her breath she is telling me that she can’t afford to feed another mouth, and she has tried to end the pregnancy 4 times now, but the baby is just too strong, it won’t die she said.  She then looks up to me with blank eyes and a heavy heart and is begging me to take her baby.  I feel her arms wrap a little tighter around my body and she is clinging on to me for dear life.

My sweet friend just kept looking up at me and repeating please take this baby, you will love it, you can feed it, you can give it life, I can’t. I sat there, and the only words that could come out of my mouth were JESUS, JESUS, JESUS…  I couldn't do anything but hold her and cry.

What in the world do I say to this fragile woman? How do I love her in this moment? I felt like I needed to do so much more than just say, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I can’t take the baby. I can’t take her pain away. I can’t magically make money appear.

I was at a loss for words. With all the strength I had in me, I made her stand up. We stood there and cried out to Jesus together. We lifted our hands and just began to worship through our tears. I knew in that moment that I had no advice to give, I couldn't find the words to make anything better, and I couldn't promise her an easy button for this baby. All I knew was that precious baby inside her was a fighter. They have now made it through 4 attempts of abortion, and God must have a mighty plan for that little one!

I would like to tell you that as we worshiped, Jesus touched her heart and healed all the wounds, and gave her the easy button. I would like to tell you that she wants to keep her baby. I would like to tell you that every time I see her she doesn't beg me to take her baby. But I can’t. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

I can tell you, that a man dressed in white comes to her in her dreams and he tells her she can do it, she can be a good mamma. I can tell you that every time I see her, even with the begging of me taking her baby, there is always a little more hesitation in her voice. I can tell you that every time I visit my friend there is always a little more hope in her eyes.

With my mustard seed of faith, I am declaring life over that precious baby. I am pressing in for this mamma to believe in herself, to see the strength inside her and rise up for all her babies. I truly believe that she is going to understand soon that the man in white in her dreams is the truth, the way. That he loves her past her sins, past her shame, and wants to take care of her.

Will you stand in the gap for this mamma and all the other mamma's around the world fighting fears and lies? Will you stand in the gap with me and declare life over these babies? Will you stand up for justice, around the world? Will you stand up and cry out to Jesus with me for the man in white to become SO real to her? 

Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. 

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