Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Awake our Soul

Then He said to me,
Prophesy to these bones and say to them,
Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!
This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones,
I will make breath enter you,
And you will come to life.
So I prophesied as I was commanded.
As I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound,
And the bones came together, bone to bone.
And I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them,
And skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.
Then He said to me,
Prophesy to the breath,
Prophesy, son of man, and say to it,
Conjure the four winds of breath and breathe.
Awake my Soul — Chris Tomlin/Lecrae
The shootings. Guns. Abortions. Hatred. Murders. Sin. The lies. Drugs. Homelessness. Lack of God. Sickness. Fear.
This is America, where freedom rings. We have so much to be thankful for. We have everything here, yet when you watch the news and read the Facebook statuses, it’s all poor me, help me, SIN, fear, it’s a fallen world. People seem to care more about what the next trends are and the biggest and best gun to be bought before Obama bans them. We don’t see people in America.  We see ourselves, we want the American dream with the cars, the house, the perfect children. We want it all…
I don’t like America. I want to like America, I want to like the white people, I really do. I keep hearing the Lord say “GRACE, baby girl, love them, teach them”…. I don’t know how to extend grace to people who have everything and yet when they look at their lives they see nothing. I want America to WAKE UP. We have SO much here, so much that we should be a living example of heaven! If we  only cared as much about our children’s education and as we did about Obama banning guns or better yet, if we cared about our relationship with the Lord, America would be such a different place!
America is not dead, we have a fighting chance here, we have hope. We have more churches on every corner then we even know what to do with. Can you imagine America if we all stopped and just prayed? Really think about it.  If we all came together and worshiped our Lord, sat at his feet and tossed our crowns down… AH! what a glorious moment that would be! America can conquer sin.  I mean shoot, Jesus did the hard part people!  If we would just stop for Him and do what He is asking, if we would stop for each other and see the best in people, if we chose to love, if we lived and breathed His words that He put on this earth so you and I could live this world for HIM!
As I sit here in tears, I need to choose to love America. I can not throw it away and just move to Africa. I am just as much called here as I’m called to Africa. I need to choose grace on His people, I need to love the unlovable, I need to choose to love His people who do not yet know the love of the Lord. If I can have hope for a place where Jesus is not even known, I can and WILL love America.
— JESUS, help me. Help us. Come down this week and lavish your precious love on America. Wake your people up God. Encounter them so they have no choice but to bow at your feet. We owe you everything God, you deserve America to look up at you in love. Help our unbelief, you make ALL things work for your good, ALL things. Help me learn how to love your people here, to love them like you. I believe America will one day be yours again, not just pieces of it, but all of it. This is my cry God… To see this place be yours, to love your people, to show grace when you ask me to! Forgive us Father for not turning to you. We need you. We love you. We want you here! I love you papa, thank you God for saving me!


  1. Well spoken. You've summed up my frustrations with the US. Love you and miss you Breanne!

